Monday, 22 September 2008

Conn and Ortiz

o "In the English speaking world the inner-city core is increasingly reserved for the poor and the non Anglo-Saxon immigrants. In non-English speaking Europe, by comparison, people of different income groups live intermingled in the city while preserving class distinctions within and among buildings."1 (69)

"the city becomes the land of those who are left behind- the poor, the underemployed, the ethnic outsider. The conditions they inherit are economic decline, physical decay and social disintegration.2" (70)

fortress Europe and foreigners being considered second class citizens3 (71)

"the deep-rootedness of England's class system is in conflict with this multiethnic presence."4 (72)

"the Western European welcome to the guest worker is vanishing in the face of automation and the transfer of specialized industries to other parts of the world"5 (208-209)

links to racism against immigrants 6(209)

international travel has increased migration, greater feminization of migrants 7(212)

o impact of migration: (i) unsettled (ii) loss of family support system (iii) open to novelty8 (319-320)

ethnic identity linked to encountering otherness9 (321)

immigration process

(i) voluntary segregation followed either by assimilation or pluralism 10(321-323)


claims that applying the HUP in multi-ethnic cities actually ends up killing churches as "these churches literally die off because they are incapable of reaching out to the new citizens of the community, people who are from a different ethnic group and maybe even a different socioeconomic class."11 (331)

Ortiz models of integrating ethnic churches:

(1) renting model

(2) celebrative model--still separate but diversity celebrated

(3) integrative model--co-equal leadership, shared ownership of facilities, vision and ministry approach. 12(331-332)


Second generation ethnic churches: immigrant churches: torn between two languages. Principles

(1) maintain their identity

(2) know their own history

(3) church leaders need to understand them

(4) need for leadership

(5) language--sermons in English but other language used for other items13 (333)


spiritual warfare in cities---religious pluralism, polarization of ethnic groups 14(358-359)

1H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 69.

2H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 70.

3H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 71.

4H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 72.

5H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 208209.

6H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001)209.

7H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 212.

8H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 319320.

9H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 321.

10H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 321323.

11H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 331.

12H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 331332.

13H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001)333.

14H. Conn & M. Ortiz, Urban Ministry: The Kingdom, the City and the People of God, (Illinois: Downers Grove, 2001) 358359.

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