Wednesday, 21 May 2008


ignored aspect of the history of indigineos people (2) error of celebrationists--> to treat indigineous people as part of nature

errors of anti-celebrationists (1) conquest ideology later than arrival in 1500 (3) ignores the active role of indian people reducing them to the status of "harmless victims"1 (2)

focuses on how the classification of indian populations is itself an aspect of colonialism2 (3-7)


explores the of new emergent indigineous populations seeking an "ethnogenesis" (i.e a myth or narrative which links them with pre-colonial tribes) in the past to configure their own otherness for their own benefit3 (7-8)

need to explore the different type of strategies that Indians4 used when dealing with their encounter with Europeans (9-10)


between the stereotypes of traditionalist resistance and treachorous collaboration, wishes to establish the creative role of Indians as agents 5(11-13)

1JM Monteiro, '500 years of Native History', Diálogos Latinoamericanos 2 (2000), 215, 2.

2JM Monteiro, '500 years of Native History', Diálogos Latinoamericanos 2 (2000), 215, 37.

3JM Monteiro, '500 years of Native History', Diálogos Latinoamericanos 2 (2000), 215, 78.

4JM Monteiro, '500 years of Native History', Diálogos Latinoamericanos 2 (2000), 215, 910.

5JM Monteiro, '500 years of Native History', Diálogos Latinoamericanos 2 (2000), 215, 1113.

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