Monday, 19 May 2008


claims that in postmodern times religion in Brazil is characterised by:

(1) individualism and rupture with family religion (2) intensive search for unmediated spirituality (3) active participation (4) atomization 1(192-193)


offers statistics from the 2000 census. tripartite division between types of Protestant Churches. Differentiatesd new pentecostal churches according to prosperity theology 2(193)


Universal Church--not fundamentalist as the Bible plays a minor role; syncretistic using rituals and symbols from folk Catholicism and Afro-Brazilian religions3 (193)


refers to the role of cidadania in contemporary theological discussion in Brazil 4195-196)


focuses positively on the sense of enjoyment offered by Brazilian (pentecostal) worship5

1A Knebelkamp' Believing without Belonging? In Search of New Paradigms of Church and Mission in Secularized and Postmodern Contexts: Brazilian Insights and "Outsights."', International Review of Mission 92:365 (2003), 192199, 192193.

2A Knebelkamp' Believing without Belonging? In Search of New Paradigms of Church and Mission in Secularized and Postmodern Contexts: Brazilian Insights and "Outsights."', International Review of Mission 92:365 (2003), 192199, 193.

3A Knebelkamp' Believing without Belonging? In Search of New Paradigms of Church and Mission in Secularized and Postmodern Contexts: Brazilian Insights and "Outsights."', International Review of Mission 92:365 (2003), 192199, 193.

4A Knebelkamp' Believing without Belonging? In Search of New Paradigms of Church and Mission in Secularized and Postmodern Contexts: Brazilian Insights and "Outsights."', International Review of Mission 92:365 (2003), 192199, 195196.

5A Knebelkamp' Believing without Belonging? In Search of New Paradigms of Church and Mission in Secularized and Postmodern Contexts: Brazilian Insights and "Outsights."', International Review of Mission 92:365 (2003), 192199, 197.

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