Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Claims that when the Tories where in power it was possible for pro-immigrant groups to access funding from Labour councils, but this has become almost impossible with the coming of New Labour to power.1

differentiates between external controls in defining those who may enter the UK and internal controls in the “policing of welfare”.2

“In defending what is 'ours' we deny the human situations of the 'other'.”3

“immigration rules, laws and practices are formed around the notion that Britain has a certain way of life.”4

1B Humphries, “The Construction and Reconstruction of Social Work” in D Hayes and B Humphries (eds) , Social Work, Immigration and Asylum, (London: Jessica Kingsley, 2004) 29–41, 38.

2B Humphries, “The Construction and Reconstruction of Social Work” in D Hayes and B Humphries (eds) , Social Work, Immigration and Asylum, (London: Jessica Kingsley, 2004) 29–41, 39.

3 J Collett “Immigration is a Social Work Issue” in D Hayes and B Humphries (eds) , Social Work, Immigration and Asylum, (London: Jessica Kingsley, 2004) 77–93, 77.

4 J Collett “Immigration is a Social Work Issue” in D Hayes and B Humphries (eds) , Social Work, Immigration and Asylum, (London: Jessica Kingsley, 2004) 77–93, 89.

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