Tuesday, 23 September 2008


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"Diaspora Ministry (DM) is a newer effort targeting people from some of our target countries who live in our home nations rather than in Asia." 1(pg 7)


"The overall thrust of the Bible’s teaching is thus a proclamation of the message to those who have yet to hear and respond, accompanied by genuine social care and concern for aliens who have come to live within the physical locus of the community of faith."2 pg8


"In His sovereignty, today God is shuffling the pack, and washing people from various ethnic groups and cultural backgrounds all over the planet. Just as God washed Ruth and Rahab into the community of faith, so now He is washing Chinese to the UK, for example."3 pg8


"Some may perceive migration as a menace, but as citizens and Christians we should view it as ministry opportunity."4 pg 8


"There is much anecdotal evidence that migrants are more open to new things than those who remain at home."5 pg 8

1Paul Woods, ' God does not play dice, but does he play mahjong?', Encounters 20 (October 2007), 79, 7 [available at Redcliffe site]

2Paul Woods, ' God does not play dice, but does he play mahjong?', Encounters 20 (October 2007), 79, 8 [available at Redcliffe site]

3Paul Woods, ' God does not play dice, but does he play mahjong?', Encounters 20 (October 2007), 79, 8 [available at Redcliffe site]

4Paul Woods, ' God does not play dice, but does he play mahjong?', Encounters 20 (October 2007), 79, 8 [available at Redcliffe site]

5Paul Woods, ' God does not play dice, but does he play mahjong?', Encounters 20 (October 2007), 79, 8 [available at Redcliffe site]

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