Tuesday, 23 September 2008


R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004),

points to immigration being concentrated in London as opposed to the rest of the nation1 (315)

"Even the word 'tolerance' became a subject for debate, implying as it did a hierarchy of rights in which a benign elite 'tolerated' the outlandish habits of its inferiors. Public servants were sounding oddly old-fashioned, speaking warmly about ethnic minorities in tones reminiscent of a memsahib praising those absolutely marvellous native wallahs who served such wonderful cocktails on the verandah."2 (319)

There was a fresh burst of migration on the way, and it was diffuse and impossible to pin down. It had no geographical centre; it involved almost the whole world." 3 (319-320)

by 2000 150 million classified as migrants " a demographic phenomenon that had no precedent" (320)4

Globalisation, by concentrating wealth, increases the pressure to migrate 5(320)

cheap air fares and quicker communications...."the developed world...could now view Britain as nothing more than a cheap journey away."6 (320)

Attractions of Britain for migrants:

(1) cosmopolitan(2) established networks of migrants (3) freedom of religion (4) welfare state (5) large deregulated economy 6) fluid service sector (7) relatively tolerant (8) no ID Cards 7 (321)

artificial distinction between those who were asylum seekers (genuine) and economic migrants (bogus) "Were we saying that we were happy...to accept people running from a secret police force, but not those fleeing from starvation." 8(322)

"Liberal observers remarked that something had changed in Britain, it was now possible to imprison people who had not committed any crime."9 (323)

"important freedoms were being upheld by the vigilance of an independent judiciary in defiance of the vote-currying whims of elected politicians." (10323)

"Britain was doing its clumsy best to be fair." 11 points out worse treatment in other European countries(329)

"politicians and tabloid newspapers colluded in what amounted to a sustained below-the-belt advertising campaign designed to promote feelings of fear and fury."12 (337)

claims that British public was misled to believe that immigration was a bigger problem than it really was...lack of authoritative statistics...points to illegal migrants in the black economy....claims that due to their lack of rights they were unlikely to be here to stay...13(338-339)

against seeing migrants as an economic burden points to:

(1) migrants contribute more in tax than they receive in benefits (2) valuable international aid service through remittances home (3) carry out dangerous, dirty and difficult jobs others do not do (4) taking low wages, relieve inflationary pressures (5) help sustain consumer boom (6) help finance pension system 14(340-341)

"Migrants tend to be young but...not too young. They arrive ready to work, so the state does not have to bear the costs of their childhoods." 15 (341)"If anything exile promotes hard work."16 (341)

"If it were true that migration is economically harmful, then America would be a minnow, not a superpower." 17(342)

"we have grown accustomed to believing that were there are problems there must be solutions, and that the failure to find them can signal only incompetence or ill-will. In this case, the closest thing to a simple answer is that immigration will remain a powerful....force in world affairs while wealth remains so unevenly distributed." 18(345)

liberal paradox..."philosophical difficulties Western democracies face when they seek to deny the very freedoms on which they themselves were founded." 19(347)

"The English are famously...xenophobic....yet there is a national knack...for appropriating foreign influences and co-opting them as our own." 20(349)

1R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 315.

2R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 319.

3R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 319320.

4R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 320.

5R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 320.

6R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 320.

7R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 321.

8R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 322,

9R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 323.

10R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 323,

11R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 329

12R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 337.

13R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 338339.

14R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 340341.

15R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 341.

16R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 341.

17R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 342.

18R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 345.

19R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 347.

20R. Winder, Bloody Foreigners, (London: Little, Brown, 2004), 349.

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