Tuesday, 23 September 2008


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"Space does not permit entering into a discussion of the ethics of entering Europe as illegal immigrants – suffice it to say that many ask God’s blessing on their attempts to get here, and those who have to balance the books for Europe’s ageing social security system are heard to mutter a loud “Amen.” History is the story of the flow of peoples across the face of the globe, and more often than not the gospel – not to mention other ideologies – has travelled with these movements of people. Contemporary Latin American missionary strategy will not be complete without entering this arena.

We thus cannot continue to attempt to raise Latin missionaries for Europe with scarcely any reference to the massive immigration that is taking place across the continent. Beyond attempting to harness existing immigrants, there is also a place for raising a new workforce of committed and called missionaries, who will minister in Europe from the role of economic refugees. Adequate pre-field training, prayer support from home churches, preparation and co-ordination of placements, and on-field support and supervision should all be taken into serious consideration, just as much as for “full-time” workers in any other part of the world." 1(4)

1 N Rees, 'The Search for a Creative Response to Obstacles to the Growth of Mission out of Latin America', Encounters 10 (2006), 4 [available redcliffe site]

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