Tuesday, 23 September 2008


S Escobar, “Migration: Avenue and Challenge to Mission” Missiology 31:1 (2003), 1728

Suggests that attitude of the population gets shaped by the accumulation of small daily episodes involving immigrants.1

Threefold challenge of migration (i) exercise compassion and sensitivity (ii) prophetic stance against the injustices suffered by immigrants (iii) as an avenue for mission.2

“missionary Christianity has flourished in the context of migration” both due to the uprootedness of the migrants, and the new freedom they acquire.3

Quotes Spanish Bishops Commission for Migration “"We would be betraying the most sacred dimension of people if all we want is cheap labor, forgetting that those who come to work with us are persons with all their rights. Because of that, the way is always to welcome the stranger" Use of Exodus texts on care for aliens 4

USA growth amongst those denominations who have adapted to receiving migrants.5

1S Escobar, “Migration: Avenue and Challenge to Mission” Missiology 31:1 (2003), 1728, 18.

2S Escobar, “Migration: Avenue and Challenge to Mission” Missiology 31:1 (2003), 1728, 18.

3S Escobar, “Migration: Avenue and Challenge to Mission” Missiology 31:1 (2003), 1728, 18.

4S Escobar, “Migration: Avenue and Challenge to Mission” Missiology 31:1 (2003), 1728, 21.

5S Escobar, “Migration: Avenue and Challenge to Mission” Missiology 31:1 (2003), 1728, 25.

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