Tuesday, 23 September 2008


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We believe that human beings, whether they have lost their legal status, ended up in a legal limbo or have tried to enter the European Union by irregular means must never be considered as “illegal”” 1

For about ten years now, we can observe the consequences of ever stricter border policies: While these policies and measures are not capable of managing immigration, more and more vulnerable people risk their lives.”2

Rather than continuing to build higher fences and persuading other countries to restrict exit from their territory, fair, open and transparent legal labour migration channels to the EU, both for skilled as well as for unskilled workers need to be opened up and advertised as an alternative. There are reasons to believe that with an opening of immigration possibilities less people would be forced to resort to dangerous and life-threatening courses of action as a last desperate attempt to enter the EU.”3

Special attention should be devoted to the most vulnerable migrants also in irregular situations. Handicapped people, families and unaccompanied minors deserve special protection. For the protection of the right of the children, families in irregular situation should be integrated rather than returned. Regularisation schemes for migrants in irregular situations – under certain conditions - represent a positive means of improving the individual situation of exploited migrants and should be considered as a possible response to the demands of the labour market instead of demonising such measures as “pull-factors”.”4

1Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, “Comments on the European Commission’s Communication on “Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third county nationals” COM (2006) 402 final” Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe Homepage, available online at www.ccme.be/archive/2006/comments%20irregular%20immigration%20final.pdf [Accessed September 10 2008], 1

2Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, “Comments on the European Commission’s Communication on “Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third county nationals” COM (2006) 402 final” Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe Homepage, available online at www.ccme.be/archive/2006/comments%20irregular%20immigration%20final.pdf [Accessed September 10 2008], 2

3Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, “Comments on the European Commission’s Communication on “Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third county nationals” COM (2006) 402 final” Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe Homepage, available online at www.ccme.be/archive/2006/comments%20irregular%20immigration%20final.pdf [Accessed September 10 2008], 2

4Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, “Comments on the European Commission’s Communication on “Policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third county nationals” COM (2006) 402 final” Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe Homepage, available online at www.ccme.be/archive/2006/comments%20irregular%20immigration%20final.pdf [Accessed September 10 2008], 3

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