Tuesday, 3 June 2008


Describes the first “evangelical” service in Brazil by French calvinists and its tragic outcome.1

Unisinos, “Justiça manda recolher livro do Padre Jonas AbibUnisinos Homepage available online at http://www.unisinos.br/ihu/index.php?option=com_noticias&Itemid= 17/05/08

describes how the Judiciary in Salvador ordered that copies of a book by a CCR priest, critical of ABRs be taken out of circulation.2

P Asay “Indigenous IndignationChristianity Today Homepage available online at http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/article_print.html?id=54144 14/03/2008

Outlines controversy over YWAM amongst indigenous groups, especially after rescuing a child condemned to death by a tribe.3

V Gonçalves, “Pobres e Solidários” Christianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid-=33471 15/05/2008

evangelicals are those who make most donations to their groups.4 Most donations go from one Christian to another, not going to institutions.5 Higher amount of time and voluntary work.6

New poor: urban, became evangelical/ Old Poor: rural, remains catholic.7

V Gonçalves, “Grandes desafios de uma jovem Igreja” Christianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33470 15/05/2008

Criticisms of evangelicals : authoritarian, lack of intellectual preparation, too mystical.8

Compares speed of Baptist Church in “punishing” Fanini with impunity in political parties.9

C Fernandes, “Lealdade acima de tudo” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33463 15/05/2008

refers to the way that followers of the Hernandes couple remain faithful to them, despite their arrest for smuggling $56,000 into the US. Couple alternate between prison and house arrest from where they make a videolink to the service.10

Arrest hustified as a tribulation and work of the enemy.11

Future of the church uncertain, couple must remain until 2009 in the US, and if they were to return, under current conditions they would be arrested and prosecuted for money laundering, tax evasion and “estelionato.”12

Claims that approx 30% of members have left church after arrest.13

1R Schünemann, “450 Anos do Primeiro Culto Evangélico no Brasil”Café Teológico Homepage available online at http://www.cafeteologico.com.br/br/index2.php?option=com_content 23/04/2008

2Unisinos, “Justiça manda recolher livro do Padre Jonas AbibUnisinos Homepage available online at http://www.unisinos.br/ihu/index.php?option=com_noticias&Itemid= 17/05/08

3P Asay “Indigenous IndignationChristianity Today Homepage available online at http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/article_print.html?id=54144 14/03/2008

4V Gonçalves, “Pobres e Solidários” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid-=33471

5V Gonçalves, “Pobres e Solidários” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid-=33471

6V Gonçalves, “Pobres e Solidários” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid-=33471

7V Gonçalves, “Pobres e Solidários” Christianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid-=33471

8V Gonçalves, “Grandes desafios de uma jovem Igreja” Christianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33470 15/05/2008

9V Gonçalves, “Grandes desafios de uma jovem Igreja” Christianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33470 15/05/2008

10C Fernandes, “Lealdade acima de tudo” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33463 15/05/2008

11C Fernandes, “Lealdade acima de tudo” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33463 15/05/2008

12C Fernandes, “Lealdade acima de tudo” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33463 15/05/2008

13C Fernandes, “Lealdade acima de tudo” Cristianismo Hoje Homepage available online at www.cristianismohoje.com.br/artigo.php?artigoid=33463 15/05/2008

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