Monday, 2 June 2008


claims that women are attracted to Pentecostal churches to seek remedy for some of the causes of their poverty1 (65)

Pentecostal churches

(1) provide a clear solution to the problems of alcoholism

(2) offers an utilitarian approach to religion

(3) contextualises in the context of clientism "It is the Holy Spirit that offers protection in exchange for service and loyalty"2 (65)

(4) gives power and dignity through church service 5) emphasises personal transformation


1 L Troch, 'Ecclesiogenesis: the Patchwork of New Religious Communities in Brazil' Exchange 33:1 (2004), 5472, 65.

2 L Troch, 'Ecclesiogenesis: the Patchwork of New Religious Communities in Brazil' Exchange 33:1 (2004), 5472, 65.

3 L Troch, 'Ecclesiogenesis: the Patchwork of New Religious Communities in Brazil' Exchange 33:1 (2004), 5472, 6566.

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