Monday, 2 June 2008


"Founded in Brazil in 1977, the Universal Church has hundreds of temples in some 40 countries, including the U.S. In recent years it has opened churches for Spanish-speakingcommunities in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston,Chicago, San Diego and other U.S. cities."1

references to allegations against Macedo and his time in jail in 19922

conflict with Globo Decadencia novela3

Van Helde controversy, video allegations4

"He [Macedo] assailed the Catholic Church on a number of issues, including its defense of celibacy and its opposition to abortion."5

conflict over political involvement of the IURD6

"State prosecutors in Rio and Brazil's Federal Police are looking into other allegations, such as money laundering. Still another prosecutor suggested that the courts could shut down UC temples to stop pastors from bilking the faithful. UC lawyers thwarted a similar measure several years ago. Former church members have sued for the return of tens of thousands of dollars in property. One woman gave $12,000 in exchange for a tithing diploma purportedly signed by Jesus. Macedo still faces 1991 charges of swindling, quackery and charlatanism."7

"The Universal Church offers hope. ...As one research report demonstrated, the majority of UC members believe in the church's basic slogan: "Pare de sofrer," or "Stop suffering." Over the airwaves and in the temples UC followers reinforce this message with ample testimony about cures, sudden affluence and other benefits... It is also rooted in Brazil's highly diverse and adaptive culture. One facet of Macedo's religion is undoubtedly Christian....The Universal Church demonizes the spirit world of the Afro-Brazilian religions that are accepted in varying degrees by millions, but in doing so it implicitly acknowledges that world.... To this religious mix the UC adds ingredients of Pentecostalism, such as an emphasis on the Holy Spirit and healing. It also contains elements of Catholicism--for instance, a highly organized hierarchical structure with bishops under the strong rule of Macedo, who is the equivalent of a pope.... Donations flow almost naturally. According to researchers, the pastors preach the biblical obligation of tithing, but their message is bolstered by the fact that most UC members have participated in Umbanda and Candomble, in which it is customary to pay for ceremonial items. Like the old Catholic practice of indulgence, tithing is stressed as a payment in exchange for favors from God."8

Notes that in San Diego the confrontational aspect is reduced, as is the use of the Afro-brazilian religiouis system. 9

1K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

2K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

3K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

4K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

5K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

6K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

7K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

8K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

9K Serbin, 'Brazilian Church Builds an International Empire', Christian Century 113:12

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