Monday, 2 June 2008


condemns a spirituality of the market place 1(92)

"Our theologies and pastoral policies are tired and exhausted. The economic system has taken over Western religious language, leaving more or less generous margins for the churches that have before them the easiest option, which is to become an integral functional part of the whole package presented by capitalism, offering religious goods as commodities, and services in the form of powerful fundamentalisms and charismatic spectacles of marketing and prosperity." 2(94)

"Throughout the world young theologians are silenced by a dominant North American and European theological model that is weary of becoming good news, that is cosying up to the knowledge industry in the service of an economic model which gives privileged place to its comfortable, stable consumerist societies." 3(97)

1NC Pereira, 'Empire and Religion: Gospel, Ecumenism and Prophecy for the 21st Century', The Ecumenical Review 58:1 (2006), 9298, 92.

2NC Pereira, 'Empire and Religion: Gospel, Ecumenism and Prophecy for the 21st Century', The Ecumenical Review 58:1 (2006), 9298, 94.

3NC Pereira, 'Empire and Religion: Gospel, Ecumenism and Prophecy for the 21st Century', The Ecumenical Review 58:1 (2006), 9298, 97.

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