Power to become involved in politics but pessimism about efficacy of political action1 (66)
"In general, it can be said that such interest as Pentecostals show in Politics is of a piece with Brazilian political life as a whole: votes given by clients to patrons for services rendered"2 (67)
"more black people among Pentecostals than other denominations."3 (67)
Umbanda as main rival of Pentecostalism4 (68)
Initial recruits of Umbanda similar to initial recruits of historical Protestantism5 (69)
initial "whitening" of Umbanda later to be reversed. "The ambibalence of Umbanda towards blackness both masks and perpetuates, racial prejudices....its whole cosmology was a reflection of patronage, mediation and decentralization."6 (69)
Both Umbanda and Pentecostalism benefit from acceptance of alternative medicine in Brazil7 (69)
Surprising fact that CEB members and Pentecostals have similar voting patterns8 (70)
In contrast to Argentina where the was a large Italian Catholic community which allowed a diaspora Catholicism..." So, many Brazilain Italians felt sufficiently alien to reform themselves both socially and religiously, and convert to Protestantism."9 (75)
"Those churches who foster a dry concern with dogma at the expense of spiritual dynamic and freedom remain relatively ineffective."10 (76)
1D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 66.
2D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 67.
3D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 67.
4D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 68.
5D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 69.
6D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 69.
7D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 69.
8D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 70.
9D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 75.
10D. Martin, Tongues of Fire: Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America,(Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1990) 76.
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