Monday, 2 June 2008


" A spirit of tolerance for other religions in Brazil, Guatemala, and Chile, may have aided in this reception and growtH"1 (134)
"Pentecostalism...expresses something of the soul of Latin America"2 (134)
"many Latin Americans have a Christian soul, one of the expressions of which is Pentecostalism."3 (134-135)
Pentecostal churches almost immediately embraced local leadership4 (135)
Pentecostalism linked with Catholic resurgence5 (135)

"In three countries [Guatemala, Chile, Brazil] where Pentecostal growth is most prominent, Catholic seminary students increased dramatically...Also in Brazil, sales of Bibles have explodeD In the last four years 4.5 million complete Bibles were sold, 36 per cent by Catholic publishers."6 (135)
claims that in many deprivation studies "Often overlooked were key Pentecostals active in society as shopkeepers, small entrepreneurs and school teachers. Many key persons became upper-lower and lower-middle classes, a creative strata whose aspirations helped to give leadership."7 (136)
both poor Pentecostals ascended socially and the recruitment of converts from the middle class 8(136)
"A major element in the advancement to middle social status has been education. Pentecostals stay in school longer."9 (136)
"Holiness, humility, and a strict moral code stand out as characteristics of Pentecostalism throughout countries studied in Latin America." 10(137)
"Part of the perfectionist ideal is sacrificial giving....The fundamental source of financial support for Pentecostal churches in Latin America is the generosity of individual members." 11(137)
Women: although Pentecostals reinforce traditional male dominance "the combination of emphasis on religious equality, new roles open to women in the life of the church" undermine machismo whilst within the church women see themselves as individuals responsible for their own lives before God and become "active, responsible agents in their own and family lives."12 (138)
On the job training of Pentecostal pastors.13 (138-139)
Social ascension causes problems of lack of pastors with formal academic training 14(139)
decline of effect of street preaching, especially amongst the middle class15 (139-140)
questions whether Neo-Pentecostals who emphasise health and wealth are to be considered part of Pentecostalism 16(142)

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