Friday, 30 May 2008


R Winter, 'World Mission Survey', in R Winter, SC Hawthorne (eds), Perspectives on the World Christian Movement A Reader, revised edition, (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1992) B193B212.


points to a sudden growth in interest in World Missions in Latin America in the 1980s1 (B197-B198)


D McGavran, 'Today's Task, Opportunity and Imperative', in R Winter, SC Hawthorne (eds), Perspectives on the World Christian Movement A Reader, revised edition, (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1992) D3D16.


claims that many Italian migrants to Brazil were ignored by those who simply focused on Portuguese-speaking Brazilians. Great growth was achieved by an Italian convert from Chicago.

"In general it may be said that responsive segments exist in many lands, but they are not always found by missionaries or national church leaders." 2(d-11)

1R Winter, 'World Mission Survey', in R Winter, SC Hawthorne (eds), Perspectives on the World Christian Movement A Reader, revised edition, (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1992) B193B212, B197B198.

2D McGavran, 'Today's Task, Opportunity and Imperative', in R Winter, SC Hawthorne (eds), Perspectives on the World Christian Movement A Reader, revised edition, (Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1992) D3D16, D11.

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