Wednesday, 28 May 2008


CCR: growth of “comunidades de alianca e vida no Espirito Santo” in the late 1990s and 200s. Lay movement dedicated to charisms: worship, evangelism, spiritual healing and social work.1

Communities divided between those who live in/as a community and those who maintain “normal” life and support the community.2

Although they have no formal record are striking because of the youth of their members.3 Especially those who live there, usually under 25.4 Fear such communities cause amongst many parents.5

Paradox as on the whole catholic youth, especially those attending universities, are usually the most secularised in Brazil.6

Claims that the level of sacrifice required to belong to the group strengthens the sense of group identity and offers a partial experience of death; likens to train suffers.7 Group solidarity also strengthened by sense of breaking with society.8

Role of music in Brazilian culture, recognised by religious groups.9

1CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 253.

2CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 253.

3CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 254.

4CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 256.

5CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 257.

6CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 258.

7CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 262264.

8CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 265267.

9CL Mariz, “Comunidades de vida no Espírito Santo: Juventude e Religião” Tempo Social 17:2, 253273, 268.

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