Friday, 16 May 2008


"the more recent a church is, the higher the proportion of women among its members. Women are thus more prepared than men to change their religion or denomination."1 (316)

"It is clear that the adherents of Evangelical churches are above all based in towns and cities"2 (316)

"it may be deduced that the readiness to change religious adherence increases with the move to the town."3

1GU Kliewer 'Effervescent Diversity', The Ecumenical Review 57:3 (2005), 314321, 316.

2GU Kliewer 'Effervescent Diversity', The Ecumenical Review 57:3 (2005), 314321, 316.

3GU Kliewer 'Effervescent Diversity', The Ecumenical Review 57:3 (2005), 314321, 317.

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